There's at least one nice thing about turning 58. It isn't 60.
50s have been difficult physically and cognitively. But mostly physically. I think.
The past year, I've felt old. Going slow up and down stairs. Gaining weight. Pain in my foot made it hard to do cardio. Took me a while to self-diagnose the pain as from plantar fasciitis.
Maybe it's having a newborn that made me more aware of being older. Maybe the setting in that when Amanda is Elisa's age, I'll be 73. Maybe it's falling out of favor at work. Companies come for their own.
I made some resolutions for new years and have mostly made it through the four days until my birthday. Eat better. Drink less or not at all. Exercise daily. Set up my life for the next 30 years.
My birthday celebration was low key and appreciated. Tacos from our favorite taco spot. Two cakes because Sabrina was worried one would not arrive in time. Elisa, Sabrana and I enjoyed the food and cake. Amanda getting her first taste of cake. Text messages from Toronto from Aidan and Lydia. Gifts including a face pillow from Lydia.