Athletic Excellence
I head out on a run (or as I like to call it -- accelerated walking) and realize it is about time from Aidan and Lydia to get out of school. It is the rare workday that I am home early and an even rarer Friday. I had been in training across town and decided to work from home when a repeated wrong number call woke me up from my cat nap. In any case, I decided to run to the school to see if I could catch Aidan and Lydia. I walked into the playground and wandered a bit when Aidan came running up holding his jump rope. The one with a pink tint which seems weird. He gave me a demo of his jump roping skills. I think he made 10 loops.
A couple of days prior Yang dropped Aidan off at school and was able to see part of the jump roping contest. Aidan went first and did maybe 30 jumps. Next kid. 72. Yang left. That night Aidan came home excited that he won a prize for his jump roping skills. We wondered what prize. The next day, Yang saw the award winners at school. 1st place...not Aidan. 2nd place...not Aidan...3rd place...not Aidan. Aidan won "best effort".
Then there is my own personal athletic excellence. Sunday, tennis courts of Side park. In a match that I'm sure people will compare to Borg/McEnroe or Nadal/Federer; it was Chao/Allio. Despite all evidence to the contrary, the underdog with the underhanded server, wicked double reverse backhand slice, and forehand push won 7-5. It was the first non 7th month pregnant victory in years.