Elisa Walking
About six weeks ago Elisa started wanting to stand. Not, mind you, being force to stand by an over enthusiastic ayi or father, but wanting to stand on her own. It was as if she said the heck with this crawling stuff, I’m just going to jump straight to walking. After all, she has two older siblings who must look super human to her as small people who move among the giants.
Elisa considering walking and trying to navigate the playground steps.
And so it was a month ago that she began her first steps. And then day by day she got better. Until just this past weekend she could walk. Not far mind you, but from table to chair of her own accord. She is nothing less than ecstatic of her accomplishment. I try to warn he it’s all downhill from here. I mean, going from not being able to hold the weight of your own head to walking in a year is surely more of a feet than any Olympic sprinter record.
I’m don’t exactly remember how old Aidan was when he learned to walk but I remember Lydia was a bit earlier than him. Elisa is on the same pace as Lydia and if anything is even more coordinated. The only question is if she will be as fearless and end up with as many bumps. Judge for yourself
Video of Elisa learning to walk is here:
And Lydia’s video is here:
Walking babies tend to get underfoot and just now I went into our bedroom to drop off my backpack. I turned around and there was Elisa charging towards the bed, giggling and happy to be following me. For some strange reason it reminded me of when was on a business trip for MechanicNet. At a rural auto shop in Missouri, with a 450lb bear of a man (at least) owner who had these itsy bitsy kittens running around the shop floor. Knowing that if I stepped on one by mistake, I would be to that man as that kitten would have been to my foot. I look up after that thought and I see Yang looking at me, smiling.