
I am in the den listening to music and trying to get a little work on what is now a side project. Elisa walks in and climbs up on the chair next to mind and asks me if I am working. I say yes and she says she wants to play mickey mouse game. I say let me work a little bit first. She then moves across the room to the other computer where the music is playing. She comes back to my side of the room with her hands over her ears. “I don’t like this one song” she says in perfect english for a chinese person.

I ask he if she wants Lady Gaga instead and she says yes so I change music and get back to work. Elisa returns a minute latter with with the hands over the ears. I play a few more songs for her and she doesn’t like any of them. “I just want ‘Yellow’”, she says. And with that I play the song and she starts to dance a little so I restart the song and video tape it this time. (Minus the tape. There is no more tape.) She doesn’t dance this time but climbs around the room intermittently singing along. Here she is:

I’ve played back the video for Elisa a few times and she ends up cracking herself up on the floor. Me, I just love the sound of her sweet, sweet voice barely audible trying to sing along.