I’m sitting with a class of high risers. A woman whose dark eyeliner I like for the effect she intended says she remembers when I visited taipei. I laugh a little and say i’ve never visited taipai. moments pass. we exchange stories. i thought she was interested in what i was saying, finding my comments insightful at best, funny at worst. which is when she says “you are so serious”. at which point i know it was with contempt at worst and indifference at best that she was feeling. I died a little inside. Which isn’t so abnormal for me but felt fairly painful as my self denial did not work.
Time passed and one of the mao’s mentioned that they wanted to make some type of life change. I said “it takes six weeks to form a habit” and they wrote it down like dutiful maos, impressed with what i said, if not me, for the first time. They asked for details, I of course had none.
And it is with that advice that i form yet another new habit.