In a name
I got an email from my old company’s payroll person which said
We were just informed by the bank that the deposit for your last month’s payroll was rejected. The reason is the bank account name is not correct. Can you please double check with your opening bank and confirm your account information as below? Thanks.
Given that communicating with the bank is a bit difficult (see my previous posts) I responded that nothing had changed with my bank account except I updated my US passport number. They said that wasn’t it, so I checked my bank book and it had my name as “VINCENTALLIO” without the space and payroll was trying to deposit as “VINCENT ALLIO”. I figured that has to be it, as the confusion about whether this is space in name and name order has caused many problems in the past. (If you don’t know, the Chinese is written with0ut spaces which has side effects when Chinese people write English).
A week went by and payroll contacted me again and said the deposit failed and would I please check with my bank and confirm the account name. I relent and give in and call the Bank. Wait for the “For English press 9” prompt and then another series of prompts before I reach the operator. The dialog went like this.
Operator: Ni hao (then remembering she was on the English line). Hello, how can I help you.
Me: Hi, my work payroll failed because of the wrong account name so I need to confirm my account name.
Operator: Ok, first I need to confirm some information about your account…and then she goes into a long explanation that could not be interrupted about why she needed to do this.
Me: I give her my account number and then key in my passcode.
Operator: Can you confirm the name on the account.
Me: That’s why I’m calling, I need to know the name.
Operator: I can’t give you information about the account unless you confirm the name.
Me: Ok, is it “VINCENT ALLIO”
Operator: Can you spell that.
Me: V-I-N-C-E-N-T space A-L-L-I-O.
Operator: Is there something in between?
Me: A T or Timothy?
Operator: Can you spell Timothy?
Me: T-I-M-O-T-H-Y. Can you tell me if the name has spaces between or not?
Operator: Maybe it has.
Me: The reason I’m calling is I need to know.
Operator: It should have spaces. (which I take as a yes)
Me: Thank you, I’m all set.
Operator: Would you like the balance on your account.
Me: No, don’t need it today, thanks anyway.
Operator: I have to give you your balance.
Me: Ok, let me put you on speaker.