Small Crimes Part II

small crimes part 2 I complain about sleeping alone but truth be told I prefer it. I look for reasons to feel persecuted and then mope when I am. I tell my coworkers my family is my number one priority but my family knows work is. I have my best thoughts when running but forget them by the time I shower. I would have an affair if I could speak the language. My style is no style because I can't be bothered. I want to care but don't. I took my son for a happy meal because I wanted to eat his burger. I make love to get off. I pretend to be warm hearted. I sometimes wear a hat instead of showing in the morning. I sleep at home most nights. I would watch more porn if I had more time. My emotions are distant from those close to me and from myself too. I don't lie unless it really matters. But, I don't know truth from fiction half the time. My only fear is getting caught. I often want to run away but I don't know where I'd go. I think lots of folks are stupid. I pretend to be good at what I do. Happiness is a concept I have no concept of.