The Force

On this night when the dream comes I am sleeping in my Dad’s basement. I feel the force approaching and my spirit moves to the window and then back to the center of the room and then into the other room. A  garage. Not a garage. Whatever I am feeling approaching, whatever it is, scares me, It’s coming for me and when it gets me it won’t be pleasant. It must not get me. My spirit then appears on the hills across the street, looking down. I turn, float, up the fire trail and then I am back in the room and the force is gone. For a moment. In the next moment I am in my neighbors back yard, outside, not wanting to go inside. The force is not so near but I feel it. And then I am back in the room again. The force coming.

I wake up with this dread and in the first few moments I am awake I know that I’ve had this dream many times. Then the memory fades and then it is dawn.

I am now back in Beijing. Asleep. There is a woman at my side sleeping, as always, sounder than me. I feel the force coming. My spirit flees for another house and the force follows me just outside of my senses. There are people in this other house that are not aware of the force and not aware of me. I move skittish and somehow also relaxed.

Then I am back in my own bed with the woman next to me except in my dream I am alone. Yet, I know she is there. The force is coming in from all sides. Pressure. Closeness. I cannot get away. And then I know.

The force backed away and without words let me know it would not be back. It didn’t come for me, it was checking on me.