The mom lies across the row of seats in part to coax the three year old to sleep and in part because she is dead tired. The three year old tries but fails at sleep and is soon walking up the plane’s aisle looking for her father. When she finds him, she sits on his lap and watches the mini TV until it is almost time to land while the mother sleeps soundly. Fortunately their seats are separated by enough distance as not to hear the snoring.

The plane lands and parks on the tarmac. While most passengers are headed to the busses to take them to the terminal, the family gets the VIP cart treatment. Once onboard, the cart zips to the gate passing planes as they sit on the tarmac. The mom takes out her iPhone 4 and snaps a few photos of the planes.

The three year old being safely watched the mom takes undoes her channel hair clasp and settles into her room. It is so large that it is actually a bit scary. She makes sure all the windows and doors are locked before turning in for the night. Tomorrow will be a full day. At the beach.

And this is how it was for our ayi, Cui Ayi when we took her with us on our Sanya vacation. In general I prefer not to take her with us on vacations not so much for the expense of it but because it is time for us to just be together as a family. But in this case Yang’s father had extra budget to take her, so we did. It was striking to see her dress more formally than Yang and have the nicest phone of anyone in the travelling party. And for once to have someone come and do the cleaning for her although she couldn’t resist cleaning up now and then.