Your Mom, Part I
Your Mom is the light. I knew that from the first moment I saw her walking past my office in her tennis shorts. Her short tennis shorts. She had no reason to date me really except for he soon to be ex boyfriend of whom I will be forever grateful. I had no reason to date her, except as I already mentioned, she is the the light.
Before there were you kids there was just us. Living in a small house in Fremont, sleeping on a bed on the floor. In those days we still played tennis together among other things. There was never enough time together.
As you go through life and make friends you will find some difficult people. Some people who no matter the topic they make it about themselves. People who always seem angry, or sad, or happy in an annoying kind of way. You will find arrogant people. You will find boring people. You may feel you can never find someone like your mom. And you know what? I found her first.
The good news is your mom is part of you. Just as my mom is part of me. That light your mom has. That smile, that humor, that need to bring everyone together is a part of you. But then again, so am I.
When life presents you with a hardship, I want you to think about your mom. That you can be like your mom. You can be the light. Even in dark times. Especially in dark times.
When like rewards you in someway, I want you to think about your mom. How she doesn’t hold herself above anyone (except maybe me on a good day). How she embraces her good fortunes and enjoys them for what the are. This may seem obvious, but trust me, it isn’t so easy.
On this day, August 11 2012, your mom and I have been married for exactly 11 years. I’m on the coach in Beijing typing this as you sleep in Boise Idaho visiting your uncle. Your mom is with you and I am missing her.