Never wear white below the waist. Enough said. Never dress like euro trash unless you are euro trash. Always wear a belt. Especially with jeans. No exceptions. If you are over 30, never wear a black leather jacket. Heck, no matter you age, ditch the black leather. If you are short, never go with the long leather jacket. You will look even shorter. Never go half tuck if you are over 35. Don't dress like you are 19 if you are 25. Don't dress like you are 25 if you are 35. And never dress like you are a 20 if you are 40. It's not cool, it's absurd. Androgyny is for the young. Sexless is for the middle age. Don't confuse the two. Ok, for the dense:

  • White shoes bad
  • White pants inane
  • Tidy whities belong on your dad Avoid untucked shirts unless you are muscle bound or really fat If you are really fat then wear a really, really, really large shirt. Remember, the moon is big but looks small next to your ass. If you are muscle bound, mix in some cardio. It's not a life style. It's stupid. Tight jeans and tee shirts are for skinny people. Skinny, young people. If you're over 40, don't wear tight jeans. I don't want to see it. I don't care how rock hard your abs are or how tight your ass is. It's still an old, clunky, tofu ass. Think plaid. Pink went out of style when you had pimples. Do not under any circumstances wear running shoes to work. People will not think you are a runner. People will think you are a stupid geek. Avoid veils. Unless you are ugly. If you don't have time to press your shirt, don't wear it. If you are from a culture that wears the same clothes everyday until they are dirty, change cultures. If you can't do this then at least don't wear the same bright yellow shirt to work five days in a row. Think grey. In jeans, go button fly. Always stay zipped, or buttoned. Only wear stripes if you are skinny. Never wear pants with stripes. Always wear clean cloths. I don't want to see your chest hair. Do not where tank top undershirts. Remember, Rocky was a garbage man. Do not wear a tee shirt with 69 on it. Prints are for picnic tables. Cheap shoes ruin otherwise good outfits. **10:48 PM **- 0 Comments - 0 Kudos

Fashion Tips for Men