I got up on Monday morning and put on my sandals with socks, shorts, and ratty tee-shirt. When I got to work my new boss commented that I had an interesting outfit. He was dressed in navy blue slacks and a mao shirt. When we discussed my project, my boss asked me who the leaders where and what our relationship to them. I tried to keep him focused on the merits of the work and not the superficial stuff.
The next day, I got up, put on another pair of cargo shorts and a tee-shirt from a Garbage concert I went to 15 years ago. My boss had on the same exact outfit. He asked me why I dressed so casually. I mentioned that I like to be comfortable. He asked me if I had made progress with the leaders and relationships. I said now, that I was focused on ensuring quality before our big launch event. He said “I see”.
The next day, I got up, put on jeans and knit top. My boss had on the same exact outfit. I thought at first it was a kind of uniform, like some men who wear the same suit everyday, but then I noticed a stain just above the top most button on his shirt. It was the same stain that was there yesterday. I was thinking he might be sleeping in his car and about to say something when he asked me about my outfit. He asked why I changed outfits everyday. He said it was a waste of laundry. That I should wear clothes until they are dirty. I started to respond when he asked me about my progress with the leaders and relationships. I again said that it was crunch time and I was focusing on real issues. There would be time for leaders and relationships later.
The next day he gave me a title promotion and a new assignment. My job strangely had no specific duties or goals. Mostly, I just needed to sit in an office and check email and surf the net.
Two months later he took me to lunch and fired me.