
We are just finishing a walk with Kobe and about to enter our apartment building when Sabrina hears a whining sound. Low crying. It's coming from the side of the building. I turn on my phone's light and we peer down. Two newly born kittens, one wailing with all her might to be barely heard. I suggest Sabrina tells the management office which is right next door. It's after hours and the staff is gone except a middle-aged man who says he won't do anything about the kittens. So Sabrina steps down and gathers up the kittens using a plastic bag as a glove. I don't want to touch them. We take them into our apartment and place them on a blanket on the dining room table. One of them is already dead and Sabrina separates it from its sibling. Sabrina feeds the crying kitten some goats milk she had for Kobe (why our dog needs goats milk is another question). Kobe is frantic so I take him downstairs. Lydia and Elisa are down there, and I tell them about the kittens. I suggest they don't go see them, that it's a bit disturbing. But they both want to see and so they go upstairs. After a few minutes, Sabrina takes the dead kitten downstairs and buries it in the garden while I standby with Kobe and Lydia holds the other kitten upstairs.
Later, Lydia and I are downstairs and Aidan orders raw seafood. He wants to experience cooking it. A good-sized live crab arrives. It a box. Shrieks from the kitchen from Aidan and Lydia as they try to figure out how to cook it. Eventually a pot of boiling water is used. More shrieking.
A quick internet search and there are instructions on how to take care of a newborn kitten. Basically, keep it warm, feed it every couple of hours, and help it pee/poop. I worry about my sleep as selfish as that sounds. I leave Kobe downstairs and head upstairs to see how the kitten is doing.
The kitten is wrapped in a blanket and in Sabrina's hands. It's wriggling a bit and crying a bit. I go into the kitchen to clean up a bit. Sabrina calls out that the kitten has died. I finish washing the dishes using the muffled sound as an excuse not to come out of the kitchen. Dishes done, I come out, and Sabrina repeats the kitten has died and indeed it has. Elisa, sitting next to her, is sad.
A bit later Sabrina buries the kitten next to its sibling in the garden while Lydia, Kobe, and I standby. It reminds Sabrina of another moment, passed.
I feel a bit relived.