Aidan says to me "we can eat at home more often" as Lydia reaches for her second hot dog and Elisa by some miracle digs into my version of 白菜. The July 4th dinner which we had on the 3rd is a success.
We don't really live where there are many American expats nor am I very close with Americans that would have a fourth of July BBQ. Back in my early days here I did attend a couple of independence day celebrations with other newish American expats. It felt weird to celebrate the fourth with expats since they are not known to be the most patriotic of folks (some of course are, especially the execs placed here with packages). For me, the fourth was mostly a day off in the states. I never felt super patriotic. At the same time, I don't harbor any ill will. It's just a day. But I do want the kids to understand and embrace that they are American so I keep up some traditions.
The rest of the day was a lazy Sunday. We went to our favorite taco place, the aptly name taco bar, as we do almost every weekend the kids are with me. Then we visited the cat cafe which has actual cats roaming around.
Aidan and I then got a haircut which is always and experience for me since I can't describe in words how I want my hair cut. Aidan's cut came out decidedly better.
Lydia then helped me shop for the final ingredients for our Independence day dinner. Walking and talking as we hit two neighborhood supermarkets looking for that exclusive potato salad and hot dog buns.
Now as I type this, food consumed, dishes washed, Elisa sitting next to Aidan playing with her iPad, I feel satisfied. And a bit sleepy. And a bit content.