Lydia likes to draw and she works at it for hours at a time. As she’s gotten better at it, she asks for help less and less often which is good because her drawing long eclipsed anything I could do. We have drawings she’s made lying around our house and my office, her output is prolific enough and we are just lazy enough that we don’t capture them in a very formal way. Maybe someday we will regret that however I suspect not since we are such a transient tribe of five.

One thing I’ve started to is give Lydia the camera and ask her to take photos. This started in our December US trip when we were having lunch with Ernesto, Lissette, and their two kids. Their older kid, Victor (7?) had grabbed their camera and dropped it and it was left unable to take photos. I was thinking Aidan and Lydia would take longer to drop ours and that maybe our little Sony was studier. So the next day or so I handed it Lydia to see what she would do with it.

She took some photos of her favorite shows on TV

She became a fan of the extreme close-up, even self portraits. Here Elisa eating an apple along with a self portrait.

And on Easter morning she captured the street where we had Easter brunch.

She followed it up with some family shots.

Yesterday when we stopped by buy some fruit for Yang’s grandmother we ran into twins who are Lydia’s kindergarten classmates. Turns out the classmates parents had just opened a nearby Peking duck restaurant.  Lydia took the chance to get pics of the boys.

When we got to the suburbs and the grandmother’s residence Lydia caught her stuffed animal in pose

Of course the collection would not be complete with the picture of her father she took yesterday.

Lydia’s eye