Moving Day

Moving Day

On what better be the height of the coronavirus epidemic, we moved. The move had been in the works for a while, since before coronavirus was a thing. When it became a thing, I didn't think we'd be able to move. That the complex lockdowns would not allow for it. That the no visitor rule - we had movers - meant movers could not come in. That the community policing would object. The people from the actual communities we were moving to/from would complain. But we packed and planned as if in denial while practicing defiance.

The moving van showed up at 7:30am parking outside the east gate of our complex, about 250 meters and 12 floors from the apartment we were leaving. The 7:30am arrival time was strategic. The community policing volunteers did not start until 8am. The complex guards would allow the movers in on the promise we'd register them while the community policing unit might very well block it. Good fortune number two was they brought four movers. Good fortune number three is we did not have large furniture as most apartments here come furnished. We did have a lot of stuff of move, a collection of three years and five people work. Five people with access to free same day delivery. They loaded the truck full in about two hours and then we drove 20 minutes to our new apartment.

At the new apartment they normally let movers drive into the complex and park right in front of the building but because of the outbreak the truck could not enter the complex. The building management said it was ok if the movers were "low key" and did not generate complaints.  The low key was to have the moving truck parked outside the gate and have the four uniformed movers wheel stuff 250 meters and up five floors. The 250 meters is through the public space of the complex and at least one of our new neighbors complained. So we moved faster. Some people we walked by with stuff veered to the side to avoid us. Not our stuff, but us, such is how much the virus has gotten into people's heads. Everyone was wearing masks and some googles.

Once we had everything in, it was time to pay the movers. The official feel was about $100 dollars for five hours, the truck, and the labor of four. I doubled it to $200.

Then the unpacking started. The many bags loosely organized. My shower towel may not be found for days. Kobe acclimating by taking the best position on the coach. And when 6pm came, Sabrina and I went downstairs to the 4th floor and and dinner with Yang and the kids.

The next day a neighboring complex was completely locked down because of an infection. I saw my in person hazmat suite in Beijing. Interesting times.