Somehow one month has passed since Elisa was born. It passed so fast it seems memories could hardly be formed, yet formed they were. It passed so fast that one could be mistake the two points in time connected as one. It passed so fast that I never did take that extra time off of work. It passed so fast that the magic 42 days is almost here. It passed so fast that Yang was overheard wondering out loud "why stop at three?". Because three's damn plenty, that's why. It passed so fast we barely noticed Elisa grow, but grow she did.
Elisa at three days and 30 days.
It's traditional to have a one month party for a Chinese new born, some type of meal where you invite friends close and far from near and far. But since this is our number three, our friends near and far and close and far are not so interested in a big party. So instead, Yang took Elisa to Mahjong and afterwards the Mahjong ladies and I took Elisa to a very nice Japanese restaurant for her one month party. We adults settled in for rounds of sushi and Elisa took occasional feedings from Yang. It almost felt unfair. One of the Mahjong ladies actually asked the other ladies if I knew they played Mahjong for money. Which on it's face seems like a ridiculous question -- everyone knows that from the richest of the rich to the poorest of the poor, Mahjong is played for money. Only the amount is what changes. Upon further thought, her question became more interesting. As in: If she thought I didn't know they played for cash, then there must be a bunch of other stuff I don't know that are just as obvious.
Elisa's one month has been very healthy, at least for her and Yang. She's really been the perfect baby, hardly bothering Yang at night. It helps that she sleeps right on Yang's arm. She wants to be held and we want to hold her. I remember when we took Aidan home from this hospital we were very keen on holding him when he cried. Yang's mom in a fit of distress said this would spoil Aidan. Right before she picked him up.
With Elisa we are very matter of fact with her care -- frankly Yang does it all -- and Aidan and Lydia are at the age where they are often self sufficient. So maybe the month was meant to pass quickly. Or maybe it passed quickly because Elisa hasn't found her lungs yet.