To my son Aidan, upon his graduation from 9th grade. July 10, 2018.
Follow your heart.
Follow your heart, it will not lead your astray.
Follow your heart, for you have a good one.
Follow your heart, it will always be true to you.
Follow your heart, it will lead you to meaning and purpose.
To follow your heart, you need to know your heart. This is a difficult task as there are many false prophets. It may take years before you are able to listen, to really listen, to your heart and follow its path. For some of us, including your dad, it is an ongoing journey. We may not get there, but you will, if you take the time and listen. Listen to your heart.
It is easy to confuse your heart for your appetites. Appetite for food. Appetite to be entertained. Appetite for lust. Appetite for companionship. None of these are bad. We all got to eat, so to speak, but they are not your heart. Your heart is much more than that.
It is easy to confuse your heart with your pride. Your pride in being right, or your pride in your belongings, or your pride in your relationships. None of these are bad. We all have to have pride in ourselves, but this is not your heart. Your heart is much more than that.
It is easy to confuse your heart with your status. Your status as a rich man or as a bohemian. Your status as a parent, your status as a son, your status as a brother. Your status at school, your status amongst friends. None of these are bad. We all need a sense of where we fit in, but this is not your heart. Your heart is much more than this.
So, what is your heart? It is difficult for me to describe in words for it is still something fleeting for me. There are some signs. A good sign is the difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is something externally triggered like a friend’s joke, a song in your headphones, or a drink at a bar. Joy is something you find inside of yourself. A serenity. A peace. A smile.
Your heart, the one you will follow, is a lot like that. It comes from inside of you. It guides you to your purpose, your meaning, your love and joy.
Aidan, follow your heart.