He is in Singapore sitting in one of those uncomfortable Starbucks wooden chairs and flipping through the Straight Times. The Straight Times is thick, like a Sunday Paper, even on weekdays. It has sections for News, Money, and Life. In the Life section he finds an article by a Times reporter who tried six different things to help her relax. The one he focuses on is mediation as it is something he's thought about trying over the years and now with things the way they are he really needs something. Anything. He skims the paragraphs on meditation without absorbing the content and then his mind is onto the yoga relaxation approach. He snaps out of it and rereads the mediation section again and makes note of the two free apps the reporter mentions, Headspace and Calm.

Back in his hotel with wifi he installs Headspace and of course it is not really free. The first 10 days are and then rest of the content is a subscription model. He sits on the bed, watches the introductory video, and then starts the 10 minute day one lesson. Eyes closed, lots of focus on breathing and feeling the natural state of the body. It feels good although his mind keeps wondering when the 10 minutes will be over. It feels like it's going on forever. Finally it is over and he opens his eyes. That's when he's noticing he's shaking. Shaking the walls of a dam before is collapses. This was more than he expected. The feeling stays with him the rest of the day and into the next morning.

Day two is meant to be taken the next day but he can't face it plus he's travelling so he's already managed an excuse. Then he reminds himself that it's only ten minutes. The next day he thinks about the meditation and manages to carve out the 10 minutes to do it.

His arms and hands are trembling after day two. He's thinking that maybe the dam is being built and not collapsing and that's what the shaking is about. Or maybe the dam analogy just doesn't make any sense. Well, tomorrow is another day.
[audio http://vinceallio.com/doodles/audio/day2of10.mp3 | titles=Day 2 of 10 ]

Day 2 of 10